
Thursday 9 August 2018

Dylan's hard day

on one stormy day. Dylan was cold and icey , so he grapped a big leaf and put it on him for protection, the rain was starting to stop after a long time. He took the leaf oof him and explodred the place.  Then  he found a spaoon and then he realished he ce suite  wento the bank and robbed the bank then he bought the spacesuit with a oxegen tank too. Then he went back to the moon and then he could jump really high in the moon after he looked everywhere he went back and he was homeless again because he lost his spacesuit with the oxegen tank, and he lost the spaceship because someone else used it 

made by Nishant

Sunday 5 August 2018

The Jeffersons’ House

When the Jefferson family were out, their house came alive with activity.
Every morning, when Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson headed off to work, and their two children ran along to the bus stop to catch their ride to school, the signal for ‘all clear’ would sound, and out of the woodwork the little people came…

This is the story starter up here also > link for this story starter > link

My writing > when the little people came… they had a awesome party!!!! everything was set up and ready. They had some drinks, also a swimming on in the sink because they were tiny so they could fit a lot of tiny people in the sink. How amazing! There also was some beach chairs for the tiny people to chill, near the the sink is where the beach chairs we’re. One tiny person slid to the diving board and went up the ladders, and then splash!!! He wets everyone in the pool even though they we’re still wet they didn’t like getting splashed really hard but then… the parents came back, everyone started to hide behind the toilets and in the cupboards then the dad had to go poop. After he pooped the tiny people fainted because of the smell but the tiny people in the cupboards survived for a new day at the sink they are lucky because the parents never checks in the cupboards because there is nothing there to use The End

Thursday 2 August 2018

Jakes ice collection (in progress)

In the icey winter Jake was looking at his ice collection. There was different types of ice, some ice was rare and some wasn't, then Jake saw a ice trader with the rarest piece of ice yet, so he got his ice pieces and gave it to the ice trader. Then he got so happy because he has the rarest piece of ice in the world, and it only can be found in winter.

original writing-->(link) < might not work!

the end

Wednesday 9 May 2018

a volcanic eruption happens when you throw hot materials out of the volcano it starts to explode hot magma. Mountains could be volcanoes if you look close enough. Also you can die from volcanoes which is bad for you so don't go too close to volcanoes or your parents will be mad at you and they will say “why did you go there bad boy”

Limerick poem

Tuesday 27 February 2018

D-Sharn's story

I heard trees moving

I heard the wind hiss

I saw green vegetables

I saw a mushroom growing

I felt the fem on my leg it was ticklish

I felt raindrops on my foot

I wonder about that butterfly made of stone

I wonder will the scarecrow will scared away the birds

The Nature trail

When we walked to the nature trail, I saw a giant brown tree. I found all types of leaves (green) (orange) (brown) I touched the leaves. Wow that feels crunchy! Then we looked some more. Then the strong wind hit me. Nealy felt sick but that didn't happen “thank god that didn’t happen I said” Then my brain started to wonder… How  big is the nature trail. How trees are there. Must be many leaves there. Then we went up the stairs and walked back to are classroom.

Wednesday 14 February 2018

A moment i was scared

In the airport. We were getting ready to take off! then we walked to the giant plane! Then we got on. After me. My family got on. Then.... the most scaryest part came. The plane started! i was getting scared! couple minutes later....    We got high up! that was the time when we got lunch. We got drinks, rice, and others. Then my family and I saw the other country it was very hot there. If you want to live there make sure you get a nice house with a AC (cooler) it will help you stay there for longer.